pendente CIPÓ cristal
pendente CIPÓ cristal
pendente CIPÓ cristal
pendente CIPÓ cristal
pendente CIPÓ cristal
pendente CIPÓ cristal

pendente CIPÓ cristal

R$ 0,00

DESIGNER: Juliana Pippi
ANO: 2023
MATERIAL: corda de sisal 16mm, globo de vidro cristal, dourado, rosa, ametista e detalhes latão polido brilho
DIMENSÕES: 2.90 X 6.70 (Varia de tamanho)
TIPO: Pendente
LÂMPADA: Led G9 2.5w Luz Âmbar

For information on the concept of this product, see the COLLECTIONS menu.

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For information on the concept of this product, see the COLLECTIONS menu.

Our products and images are protected by copyright law. Unauthorized use and reproduction is strictly prohibited.